We are leaving Rhode Island in eleven days. The past two years have been challenging, but I've learned a lot. Foremost, I've learned that God provides for us every where we go. Above and beyond our expectations. As hard and lonely and frustrating as it was that first year, I now have a group of friends that I dearly love and would have really missed out on knowing had we not moved here. I've learned a lot from these women - all RISD grad student's wives. I admire them, their individual strengths, and perspectives. We are all so different, but they are my sisters. Hey, moving cross country and supporting your husband through grad school is no small feat!
I've also learned a lot about myself. Something happens when you confront your fear. Loneliness is one of my big ones. I didn't overcome it all heroically, but I did learn that God won't let me suffer forever and that really, I can do it. Yes, the first seven months here sucked, but that first meeting with the RISD wives (when we finally all got together!) was like finding an oasis in the desert. I also learned about communicating better with my husband. There is no doubt that it was rough on our marriage that first year. However that summer, we recouped and fortified ourselves for the following year, and I can honestly say that this past year was great. Mostly we talked, reprioritized and made sure to date each other more. Also we prayed together.
I can honestly say that I am glad we moved to Providence. Never thought I would say it - just thought I would try to get through it.
I should also mention the two little people who captured my heart these past two years. Anna is now 2 and Franklin 3 1/2. I love them so much. I have been deeply challenged by them in so many ways! Children make you see yourself in a whole new light. You thought you were even tempered and patient? Have kids. If you still are then God bless you. They challenged me to be better and to care more and to see the world as a child again. I wore out several pairs of jeans at the knee just from playing on the floor so much! Franklin today asked if God was Superman. I told him, 'Pretty much'!
I don't know how to leave these children of mine that are not mine. They will always have a piece of my heart. I will miss their sweet smell, sticky hands and delightful smiles. They are my dearest and I will care about them for the rest of my life.